re-using, recycling, and redeeming old wood

Posts tagged “fiber

#38 Other interesting places

I like working with my hands, as you might have noticed.  I also enjoy creativity.  This does not have to be my own work, the creativity of others is attractive.  I know many very creative people who do wonderful work.  Their work is in wood, fiber, with pen or a computer.  Here are four sites you might check out sometime.  If you have others, please let me know and I will post them as well.

The first artist is Aaron Viles.  His turned bowls and pens are elegant.

The second “artist” is Mel Jongsma.  She did not do the drawings, she writes and the drawings go along with her stories.

The third artist is Jane Compeau.  Jane displays  a lot of interesting fabric, fiber work in addition to her own.

The forth artist is Rick Klompmaker, my older brother, who makes some truly eye catching boxes and canoe paddles.  Only the boxes are sampled here.

I hope you will find the time to check out the work which I am only able to sample here., 2, 3

Lifelines, Christmas story retold, Christmas story

Lifelines, Christmas story in black and white 1

worldembroideries 2 box 2 box 2 box 3

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”  Colossians 3:23